Oil Boiler installations
Sometimes either due to the age of your boiler or in light of multiple breakdowns, your boiler may be deemed beyond economical repair (BER), at this point you may wish to consider replacing your existing boiler with an new energy efficient boiler.
All modern oil boilers are much more energy efficient as they using condensing technology.
What is a condensing oil boiler?
Traditionally oil boilers are non-condensing which results in huge heat loss, modern oil boilers are condensing meaning they have a large heat plate exchanger which utilises waste gases to heat cold water going to the boiler. Worcester Bosch produce high efficiency oil boilers that are typically over 90% efficient as well as having long warranties.
Non-condensing oil boilers may only be 60% efficient meaning for every £1 spent you could waste 40p compared with 10p on new models.
How long does an oil boiler last?
Typically an oil boiler will last the similar amount of time as a gas boiler which is between 10 – 15 years. Warranties for oil boilers if installed by an accredited installer are usually upto 7 years compared to potentially a void warranty if the boiler is not commissioned by a OFTEC engineer upon installation.
Chambers Plumbing & Heating have been installing oil boilers for domestic customers for over 10 years and are a Worcester Bosch, Warmflow, Grant & Sapphire accredited installers.
If you would like an onsite survey for a quote with our OFTEC engineer, Please don't hesitate to contact us for an appointment